Danish Furniture Designer Arne Jacobsen - Blog


The great Danish Designer Aren Jacobsen was born on Feb.11,1902 in Denmark capital city,Copenhagen.His father named Johan Jocobsen was a business man who mainly sold safty pins and snap fastners and his mother work in a bank and her hobby is painting,which had great influence on Aren's interest in design and art.As a Danish architect and designer,he was written into the design hisotry because of his contribution to architectural functionalism and famous chair designs that withstood the test of time.

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Danish Furniture Designer Arne Jacobsen

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The great Danish Designer Aren Jacobsen was born on Feb.11,1902 in Denmark capital city,Copenhagen.His father named Johan Jocobsen was a business man who mainly sold safty pins and snap fastners and his mother work in a bank and her hobby is painting,which had  great influence on Aren's interest in design and art.As a Danish architect and designer,he was written into the design hisotry because of his contribution to architectural functionalism and famous chair designs that withstood the test of time.

When he was  in the boarding school, he met the lassen brothers ,who became his long term partners in the future architectural designs.He was discribed as a students that always made pranks and bore a humor of self-deprecation.At that time, he showed an excellent talents for drawing and painting.Originally he dreamed to become a painter, but his father thinks architect is more practical and encouraged him to develop toword archtect and he was accepted to the Artechitecutre School  and study under the direction of the leading architects and desingers, Kay Fisker and Kaj Gottlob.As a student in 1925,he joined the Paris Art Deco Fair and won a silvr metal for a design of chair.Just during that period, he was deeply inpacted by the pioneering aesthetic of Le Corbusier's L'Esprit Nouve pavilion.And later,he also absorbed the spirit from the rationalst architecture.His graduation works  is an art gallery ,which is also influenced by the international trips.After graduation, his first job is a city architect.

In 1929,he cooperated with Flemming Lassen,whom he met in the boarding school,won a Danish Architect's association competition for designing the 'House of the Furniture'.Since then, he was known as aultra-modern architect.And he designed a lot of architects althought World War II interrupted his carrer,he resumed his deisgn work after that.

Today in furniture industry, many people think of Arne Jacobsen because of his furniture deisnges including the swan chair and egg chair,which is world wide popular.His interest in product design began from the cooperation with the furniture manufacturer Fritz Hansen.

His main source of inspiration comes from the bent plywood designers of Charles and Ray Eames, and at same time impacted by the Italian design historian Ernesto Rogers,whose idea is that the each elements for design is equally important from the spoon to the city.

In 1951,Arten designed the Ant Chair for the Novo Pharmaceutical factory and in 1956,he designed the most successful chairs ,swan chair and egg chair for SAS Royal Hotel.

swan-chair-replica (1)

When Arne Jacobsen passed away accidently in 1971,there are a lot of projects that had not been completed.He will be always remebered for his classic designs for furniture and architects.

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